District Law/Operations
The 50 Soil Conservation Districts in Idaho, including the Ada Soil & Water Conservation District,
are authorized by Idaho state law under Title 22, Chapter 27. Idaho Statute
22-2722 titled “Powers of Districts and Supervisors” states: “A soil
conservation district organized under the provisions of this chapter shall
constitute a governmental subdivision of this state, and a public body corporate
and politic, exercising public powers, and such district, and the supervisors
thereof, shall have the following powers…”
For more information regarding the statutes governing Soil Conservation
Districts, please visit http://www.legislature.idaho.gov/idstat/Title22/T22CH27.htm
The 50 Soil Conservation Districts in Idaho, including the Ada Soil & Water Conservation District,
are authorized by Idaho state law under Title 22, Chapter 27. Idaho Statute
22-2722 titled “Powers of Districts and Supervisors” states: “A soil
conservation district organized under the provisions of this chapter shall
constitute a governmental subdivision of this state, and a public body corporate
and politic, exercising public powers, and such district, and the supervisors
thereof, shall have the following powers…”
For more information regarding the statutes governing Soil Conservation
Districts, please visit http://www.legislature.idaho.gov/idstat/Title22/T22CH27.htm